Assisted Living:
Search various senior housing options on

AARP - Assisted Living Information
Resources for adults 50 and over. Info, discounts and community. Visit the AARP for this and more.

Find Assisted Living Now
We are a free service for families seeking assisted living for their elderly loved ones. Fill out a 'needs assessment' and speak with a local Family Advisor today.

Assisted Living at SeniorHousingNet
Find the right senior housing at SeniorHousingNet - your guide to active adult communities, independent living, assisted living, alzheimer's care and nursing care nationwide.

Free Insurance Quotes
Assisted living insurance - enter your personal info only once, get up to 5 insurance quotes. Free.

Wireless Nurse Call and Notification
Manufacturer of wireless nurse call, panic button transmitters, paging systems and pagers for health care, nursing homes, assisted living and other resident care applications.

Assisted Living San Diego
Professional, clean, family owned specializing in Alzheimers and Dementia.

Assisted Living Care for Mom or Dad
Find assisted living providers anywhere in the US. Free consumer referral service helps you locate qualified providers for in-home care, assisted living facilities and adult daycare.

Assisted Living Community
Chateau Vestavia, a senior independent and assisted living community.

Carefree Living Assisted Living Suites
Carefree Living offers a unique package that combines high quality accommodations, services, and personal assistance in a manner designed to promote independent living for seniors.

Wealshire and Ponds - Assisted Living
Nursing home, rehab, assisted living, independent Alzheimer and dementia care. Just a short ride north of Chicago.

Assisted Living at
Find, compare and buy products in categories ranging from Air Conditioners to Refrigerators. Read product reviews and compare prices with tax and shipping from thousands of online stores.

Assisted Living 101: Search online free
Assisted Living 101 is the nations most well known directory and information resource for assisted living homes nationwide.

Assisted Living
Find Deals on Assisted Living and other Large Appliances at DealTime. Choose from millions of deals. Save time and money every time you shop.

Assisted Living in Southern California
Southern California Senior Resources is a free eldercare referral service for locating assisted living communities.

PineCrest Retirement Community
PineCrest is a continuing care retirement community offering residential and assisted living and healthcare options, including care for those with Alzheimer's.

Assisted Living - Try eBay
Look no further than eBay for major appliances items, from cooktops to washers and dryers, it's all on eBay.

Hilton East Assisted Living Community
Our assisted living community has provided quality personalized care to seniors since 1974. We also offer the security, comfort and companionship that seniors desire. Based in NY.

Continuum for Health Seniors in Alabama
Our goal at Knowlwood Assisted Living is to have a home-like atmosphere for our residents while providing a quality of life through service and commitment.

Oregon Assisted Living Communities
A Comprehensive Directory of Assisted Living Communities, including Oregon Assisted Living Communities, and information on how to select and pay for an Assisted Living Community.