Michigan Attorney and Registered Nurse
If your child is injured at birth, find out immediately how this tragedy occurred. If the birth injury was caused by medical error, then consider filing a medical malpractice claim.
Cerebral Palsy and Birth Mistakes Injury
A delayed delivery can cause cerebral palsy. Possible lifetime benefits. Record-setting verdicts throughout the country. No charge unless we win.
Birth Injury and Malpractice Attorney
Urgent news about your legal rights if your child was injured at birth. Free online legal consultation now. Find information and resources about malpractice legal claims.
Birth Injury - Cerebral Palsy
Learn about your legal and financial rights if your child has cerebral palsy. Free legal evaluation into the causes of your child's cerebral palsy. Nationwide help.
Birth Injury Lawsuits
Read about birth injury claims and settlements. Recover money for your child to pay for treatment and expenses.
Dr. Nath Erb's Palsy, Brachial Plexus
Dr. Rahul Nath, director of Texas Nerve & Paralysis Institute, is the leading international physician specializing in the treatment and management of Erb????????s palsy in both children and adults.
Birth Injury
Malpractice-medical.com offers a comprehensive case analysis for ergs palsy and birth injury cases. National service for injured patients.
Birth Injury
If you or a loved one have suffered cerebral palsy as a result of injury, fill in this form to have a lawyer help you evaluate your case.
Birth Injuries - Get Legal Help
Burke & Eisner handles cerebral palsy cases nationwide. Use our Instant Answer service to find out if you have a case.
Birth Injury - File a Complaint
File a class action complaint for your injury or loss of a loved one at myclassactionlawsuit.com.
Erbs Palsy Legal Center
Erb's Palsy legal help provides information about the causes of shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus injury and nationwide lawyer referrals.
Skilled Birth Injury Attorney
Experienced birth injury trial attorney representing all victims of malpractice.
Birth Injury Lawyers
Free information, articles, resources and links to birth injury, cerebral palsy and medical malpractice lawyers. Free medical and legal articles.
Birth Injury Lawyer In All 50 US States
If your child or a loved one has been seriouslly injured as a result of a birth injury, our attorneys can help you. Please call us now for a free lawsuit case evaluation.