Child Molestation Defense Resources
Research and networking site that helps those falsely accused of sexual and physical child abuse. Legal, scientific, networking resources. CA-based law firm which does work nationally.

Child Abuse Therapists - PsychologyToday
Looking for a child abuse therapist? Browse the vast directory of professionally recognized therapists and counselors at PsychologyToday to find one near you.

Child Abuse Documentary
Searching for Angela Shelton is a powerful journey about a woman who survived physical child abuse. This highly acclaimed and awarded film has spawned a movement to support survivors.

Yello Dyno: Child Abuse Prevention Tools
Yello Dyno's non-fearful, musically-based products help educate children on protecting themselves from child abuse, abduction, bullies, date rape, Internet stalking and school violence.

First Witness
Investigative interview training. Learn to conduct child-friendly, non-traumatic, forensic interviews through a multidisciplinary team approach, of children who are alleged victims of abuse.

Questia, Online Library - Child Abuse
Research and discover over 1,000,000 books, journals and articles covering over 6,000 research topics, continuously updated - a complete academic library. Free gift with membership.

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