Job Discrimination Lawsuit
If you and other employees have suffered discrimination in your workplace based on age, sex, race or physical disability, you may be entitled to a cash settlement.
Learn about Discrimination
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The Federal Employee's Law Firm
Representing federal government employees, unions, contractors, and employee associations worldwide in all aspects of federal employment law, including discrimination cases.
Job Discrimination Prevention Training
We carry a great selection of workplace discrimination and harassment prevention training videos, guides, books, DVDs, seminars, workshops and more. Free previews available.
Discriminated Against? We Can Help
The American Legal Resource Center will help you consult with an attorney in your state and get answers to your discrimination small claim legal questions. Request information here.
Are You the Victim of Discrimination?
If you are the victim of sexual, reverse, racial, age or any other form of discrimination and need to talk to an affordable lawyer, complete our short form and we'll contact you. Affiliate.
Discrimination - Labor Law Talk
Discussion forum focusing on topics such as discrimination, sexual harassment, minor laws, overtime pay, wrongfully termination, disability leave, workers' compensation, and safety hazards.
Legal Help: Discrimination
Low-cost legal help with discrimination law: Local attorneys. Request more information on how to get unlimited consultations, document reviews, will preparation, legal defense and much more.
Free Discrimination Information
Answers to discrimination frequently asked questions. Learn your legal rights.
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