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Let eDiets create a diet and fitness plan customized just for you. Get started today with a free profile and newsletter.

Bowflex?? Exercise, Only $13 Per Month
Bowflex ?? home gyms, now only $13 per month. Gain strength and tone-up fast in only 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week.

Curves: Official Site
Request your free fitness plan today. Discover a gym where women change their lives - 30 minutes at a time.

Exercise Advise For Mums
Get exercise and fitness info. Connect with other moms. Join free today.

Exercise Products
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Men's Health Trainer
Men's diet & workout made easy. Get your free 10 day trial now.

PACE 30-Min. Hydraulic Circuit Training
PACE combines strength and cardio workouts in 30-minute. Non-intimidating, safe, fun, effective. Ideal for seniors, overweight, women's clubs. Turn-key packages. Not a franchise. Free video.

Core Secrets by Brooke and Gunnar
Learn the moves that help Brooke Burke get results and keep Gunnar Peterson's celebrity clients and athletes in shape and camera-ready. Get faster results on the ball with 123-Core.

Resistive Exercise Products
Contact us to purchase high quality resistive exercise products for swimming, athletic training, rehabilitation exercise and weight lifting.

American Made Circuit Exercise Equipment
Come look and see the circuit traning exercise equipment that is fully ajustible to fit all your work out needs. Start your own center today.

The Abs Diet Online
The six-week plan to flatten your stomach and keep you lean for life. Free 10-day trial.

Save 10% on running shoes at Road Runner Sports, your one-stop-shop for all your training needs.

Huge Savings - NordicTrack Exercise
Low prices, fast delivery on all Nordictrack fitness equipment, treadmills, bikes, ellipticals, apparel, accessories and more. Buy direct from the manufacturer and save.

Exercise Plans that Get Results
300 photo-illustrations show you how to increase your body fat cutting, muscle-toning, anti-aging "fitness hormone" with specific types of anaerobic exercise. Free newsletter.

Mats For Treadmills/Bikes
We have entry mats, fitness/exercise, yoga, playmats, logo, kitchen, lego, car mats and much more available.

FitnessJournal.org - Exercise
Fitness Journal offers a complete training journal for people who wish to improve their fitness, athletes looking to set a new personal record and people who want to lose a few pounds.

Smart Abs - As Seen on TV
Official site: Smart Abs is designed to exercise your abs and burn fat in a smart, fast, and easy way. 30-day money-back guarantee. As seen on TV.

Information on eDiets Programs
Read a little bit about the exercise plans available at eDiets.com. This eDiets affiliate offers a little info before you decide on the plan that's right for you. Affiliate.

Be Fit Over Fifty: Enjoyable Exercise
Age-appropriate video exercise programs that are fun and easy to follow; help prevent heart disease, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and weight gain; and help you look and feel younger.

Endless Pools - Counter-Current Swim Spa
The original Endless Pool featuring a fully adjustable swim current. Endless Pools are ideal for swimming, water aerobics, aqua therapy and fun. Free DVD or video. Thousands sold worldwide.