Get Innovative Fundraising Ideas
Promote your cause, engage your constituents, build your donor base, and raise more money. Extend, market and manage successful online auctions. Get better fundraising results today.
Fundraising Made Simple
Unique fundraising idea. Don't miss out. Groups like yours raised $90 million last year selling Entertainment coupon books and Sally Foster giftwrap.
Fundraising Idea
At least $3 paid for each used printer cartridge and cell phone. Simple, free fundraiser with no hassles and no paperwork.
Fund Raising Idea
Mailed-based system raises thousands for college, HS, and travel teams. NO door-to-door selling. Endorsed by 9 national coaching groups. Takes only 1 hour to execute. Earn profits of 60-80%.
Fundraising Idea
Free $100 fundraising gift. Earn up to 100% profit. Over 30 personalized cards for your group to choose from. Get your free kit.
New Unique School Fund Raising Idea
Finally, raise money ethically with "The Declaration of Independence" now for July 4th. Adults want to be educated, not fattened. Museum replica on parchment. "Looks like the real thing."
Idea for Fundraiser
Chef-Co is a great idea for fundraisers - huge profits on cookie dough, pizza, pretzels, brownies, muffins, cheesecakes, lollipops and so much more. customize a program today.
Fundraising Ideas: 90% Profit
ABC Fundraising??? has fundraisers with 90% profit and no money up front. Get free samples of our fundraisers now. A proud member of the Better Business Bureau.
$2,000 Raised In One Week
90% profit, scratch card fundraising idea. Quick, simple, $0 down. Get your free sample kit.
Cell Phone Recycling Fundraiser Idea
Collect used cell phones. Send them to us. We'll pay you up to $300 per phone.
Fundraising Ideas
Sell personalized stuffed animals with your school logo. Buy wholesale and sell below retail.
First Aid Fund Raising Idea: Easy Sale
First aid fundraising: Buy at $4 Sell at $8. Home and auto first aid kits. Who can say no? Everybody needs one, and it is such a nice change from candy, gift wrap, candles.
Fundraising Ideas
Non-profit financial software - manage your nonprofit's expenses and donations easily with QuickBooks.
Casino Fundraiser NY/NJ/CT
We specialize in professional casino parties in NY, NJ and CT. Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Texas Hold'em, Money Wheel, slots and more. Great idea for your next event.
Proven Fundraiser Idea
CampusFundraiser provides free, proven fundraisers just for college student groups and sports teams. No costs or fees ever. Register today for a $600 scheduling bonus.
Ideas for Fundraisers
Earn 100% profit selling our Domino's Pizza fundraiser cards. Money-back guarantee.
Fundraising Cookbooks
Earn $4 or more per cookbook sold. Raise funds for your church, school, or fundraising organization with a custom cookbook. You supply the recipes and we'll do the rest.
Fundraising Idea - Scratch and Win Cards
Customized for direct mailings, customer handouts, incentive programs, company giveaways, trade show promotions, fundraising. Quick turnaround, competitive prices. Receive an instant quote.
Get 90% Profit with Scratch and Help
Get a free sample. Fast, easy and a very profitable fundraiser for your group or team.
Fundraising Idea - Candles
Up to 60% profit. Free shippping available. These are the soy fundraiser candles you've been hearing about. They burn twice as long and smell three times stronger.