IRS Offer in Compromise
Let the tax professionals at JK Harris help with your IRS Offer in Compromise. Our Ex-IRS Agents are ready to help you with your IRS OIC. Free consultation.

IRS Offers in Compromise
We negotiate superior tax settlements. View our settlement scorecard. Free, no-risk, confidential consultation. 100% satisfaction guarantee. You receive - experience, integrity, results.

IRS Offer in Compromise
Do you know why? Find out now. Be part of the 15% that get a new life.

IRS Offer in Compromise
Do you qualify for an offer in compromise, call us free of charge. Our clients pay pennies on the dollar. We've saved millions for 1,000's of people just like you, since 1985.

IRS Offer-in-Compromise Specialists
Halt IRS. File returns. Settle debt. 50 states and BBB member.

Owe Taxes, Over $5,000, You Can't Pay?
CKTax is a full service tax firm specializing in back taxes, levy releases, offers in compromise, non-filed returns and IRS audit representation. Perfect record with BBB. Free consultation.

Get IRS Tax Relief with Tax Tiger
We've settled IRS debt for as little as $10. Click here to get a free confidential consultation, and let us get the IRS off your back today.

IRS Offer in Compromise - Solve It
See if we can qualify you to settle your IRS tax debts for pennies on the dollar. Qualify for a free quote with over $15,000 in IRS debt. BBB members - we've helped thousands.

IRS Offer in Compromise Tax Attorney
Tax attorney with 27 years experience in the office of the IRS Chief Counsel, specializing in all IRS issues and problems in all 50 states.

IRS Offer in Compromise
50 years of experience. Release of wage levies, liens, govt collection activities. We serve all 50 states. We guarantee we can help you.

IRS Offer in Compromise
Providing confidential consultation and serving in all 50 states since 1976. We also specialize in: Liens and levies, tax return, penalty abatements, and more.

Do It Yourself and Save
IRS Offer in Compromise kit with forms, instructions and tips.

IRS Offer in Compromise
Owe more than $20,000 in IRS tax debt? Relief is only a phone call away. Release a lien, levy or garnishment. Reduce your IRS tax debt and be debt free. Call for your free consultation.

Let Us Secure an IRS Offer in Compromise
Tax attorney secures settlements of liabilities for cents on the dollars with an offer in compromise. We provide solutions for all tax problems. Submit our free pre-qualification form today.

Solve Your Tax Problems
Tax attorneys with professional expertise helping you fight the IRS.

IRS Offer in Compromise Settlement
American Tax Relief has successfully settled 1000's of Offer in Compromise cases nationwide. We remove federal tax liens and stop IRS tax levy.

IRS Offer in Compromise
Stop IRS collections and settle your tax debt. Low fees and flexible payments. Free consultation with tax attorneys, enrolled agents, CPAs. BBB member.

Tax Problems? We Can Help
Tax Attorney representing clients with tax problems, including Offers in Compromise, Levy Releases, Noncollectible Status, Tax Court and more.

Help I Owe Back Taxes
IRS offer in compromise - Great new tax book with information for the average citizen or the tax professional.

IRS Tax Debt Compromise Offers is an affiliate site to Settle your IRS tax debt for a fraction of what you owe. Receive free and no obligation analysis from tax law experts.