Send Flowers Online - FTD Member Florist
Same-day nationwide delivery from local florists. Full selection of FTD and Teleflora products available. FTD member florist.

Local Florist, Same Day Local Delivery
Sending flowers since 1896. Beautiful arrangements $29.99 and up. Order online or by phone 24/7. Satisfaction always guaranteed. Quality, value, service, and selection. Your local florist.

Hallmark Flowers - Official Site
Fast, same day local florist delivery. Includes full-sized Hallmark greeting card of your choice with your personal message.

Canadian Florist - US and Canada
Our online florist offers the latest FTD catalogue with lower prices. We deliver locally as well. We know how each flower has a unique value to sender and receiver.

Find Local FTD Florists
Find your local FTD florist today. Search by city, state or zip - order fresh flowers from the FTD florist near you. Beautifully presented, hand delivered flowers - satisfaction guaranteed. - Local Florists
1-800-FLOWERS.COM provides local flower shop delivery service 7-days a week, 365-days a year. Send flowers, gift baskets and more from $29.99 satisfaction guaranteed. Order online today.

Find a Florist: Local Florists
Official Teleflora site: Deliver arrangements, bouquets and more same day.

Local Florists
Same day floral delivery by an FTD?? Florist. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Just Flowers: Best Florist Online
Just Flowers has more than just flowers, we've got everything you need to help you send that message to a special someone: flowers, balloons, gift baskets and more, with secure ordering.

1-800-FLORALS - Local Florist Delivery
America's online florist. Award-winning worldwide service. Same-day and next-day delivery in U.S. and Canada. Secure ordering. Satisfaction guaranteed. Since 1923.

National Florist Directory
National directory of local florist shops. Place your flower order with a real florist. Get outstanding quality and service by dealing direct with a live florist.

Local Florist
Easy, fast flower delivery from local florist. Guaranteed.

Local FTD and Teleflora Florist Delivery
Local FTD and Teleflora florists delivering flowers, plants, roses and fruit and food gift baskets daily. Unique garden flowers and bulbs for your local gardening design needs.

Garden Delights Florist, Nationwide
Distinctive "cutting garden" floral arrangements inspired by nature. Serving metro Nashville, TN and the world. Member of the B Brooks Fine Flowers Network offering local florists worldwide.

Candy Florist Local Delivery
America's Candy Florist. Centerpieces. Gift baskets. Wedding favors, candy and cookie bouquets delivered to any U.S. city.

Find a Florist: Local Florists
Connect to 20,000 local florists in U.S. and Canada at

Local Florists: Compare Prices
Get low prices on flowers when you compare flower deliveries with Shop smarter and save money when you shop online with

Send Flowers - Same Day Delivery
Send flowers online for same-day delivery. Online florists with local flower delivery. Compare and save.

Florist Local
Fresh, same-day flower delivery all over the world. Large selection. Secure ordering. Guaranteed satisfaction.

A & F Garden Gate Florist, Order Online
Local Ohio, family-owned, full-service florist serving the USA, Canada and most foreign countries - our arrangements are hand-delivered by your local florist - not shipped.