eDiets - Your Diet, Your Way
Let eDiets create a diet and fitness plan customized just for you. Get started today with a free profile and newsletter. Start losing weight now.

Weight Watchers Online
Interactive resources to follow our plan step-by-step online.

Your Online Weight Loss Program
Get 500 mouth-watering recipes, 14 weight-loss tools, personal guidance from registered dietitians, a customized meal planner, and a community of support. Start with your free profile.

Official South Beach Diet???
Join the thousands that have found weight loss success. Get your full diet program online.

Weight Loss Online - Hoodia
Lose ten pounds quickly. Hoodia is an amazing new diet pill. Effectively suppress your appetite without any side effects while improving your energy and mood.

Denise Austin: Online Weight Loss
Let Denise be your online trainer, fitness, and health consultant. Lose weight and tone your abs, arms, back, chest, legs and buns through customized exercise, meal plans and videos.

NutriSystem Online Weight Loss
Weight loss programs without center visits. Free online tools and support. Free week of food with your order.

NBC's The Biggest Loser Weight Loss Club
Now you can participate in the same diet used on the popular NBC show.

AccuDiet.com - Online Weight Loss
Personally customized diet and exercise plans. Only $6.99 a month and a 10 day free trial. Our online nutritionist and personal trainer uses your results to guide you to your goals.

Dr. Barry Sears Official Zone Site
Lose Up to 10-pounds in 5-weeks. Become a member and get personalized support.

Lose Weight Fast and Safe with WebMD
Get two free weeks when you sign up with WebMD's Weight Loss Clinic. Beyond a diet, our program is a solution for life. Get a personalized, flexible meal plan with expert analysis.

Online Weight Loss Plan
Join SparkPeople for free and let them help you transition from dieting to living a healthy lifestyle. You get food plan, exercise and nutrition program, expert advice and more, all free.

Weight Loss Supplement Online
Burn fat, lose weight and feel great. Jump start your metabolism by reversing insulin resistance. Glucofast helps you burn food for energy instead of storing it as fat. 100% guaranteed.

The Sugar Solution Online
Take control of your blood sugar, lose weight and prevent disease. 30-day free trial.

Lose Weight with Lindora - Special Offer
Save more than 10% off Lindora's Lean for Life medically-based online diet program. We offer rapid, safe weight loss with one-on-one professional counseling. Learn more.

YuThin Healthy Living Tea
YuThin Tea promotes diet, weight loss, reduces cholesterol, reduces high blood pressure and detoxifies your body.

Hypnosis for Weight Loss by Dr. Grossman
Hypnosis for weight loss, compulsive eating, portion control, exercise motivation. Includes "The Party Line" where you can chat by phone with others losing weight with The Grossman Method.

The Hoodia Weightloss Patch Online
Discover the power of Hoodia. Free one week supply. No obligation.

Weight Loss for Women
For women only: the secret is to balance your hormones first, then weight loss will follow. Learn the healthy, natural approach that's worked for thousands of women at our medical clinic.

Bariatric Weight Loss Center
At Barix Clinics, we've helped thousands of people achieve their most ambitious weight-loss goals quickly. Now, we want to help you with our revolutionary Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.