Speedy Pet Identification Tags
Free lost tag replacement and shipping. Huge tag selection - steel, brass, plastic, 24k and patriotic tags. Lifetime guarantee and 24-hour service. Personalized collars and leashes.
HomeAgain?? Pet Recovery Service
1 in 3 pets will get lost. Without ID, 90% won???t come home. Having a microchip ID is one of the simplest forms of permanent identification. Find out more and enroll now.
Boomerang Tags - Pet Identification Tags
Boomerang pet ID tags. For pets that come back. Emphasis on durability. Low prices include mailing charges, sent within 24 hours. Please read our money back guarantee and customer comments.
Dog Identification Tag
Innovative USB pet protection. Top tag contains 7 categories of pet care information. Our product helps friends, vets, kennels, rescuers and pet sitters quickly understand your pet???s needs.
Pet Identification Tags - PetTags.com
Best Friend Pet Tags provides a large inventory of lost pet recovery tags and designer collars, leads, and leashes. Protect and pamper your pet with our high quality products.
Save on Pet Identification Tags
Save on pet identification tags at lambriar animal health care. We carry a full line of quality veterinary and pet supplies at competitive prices.
Looking for Pet Identification Products?
Find exactly what you want today.
Custom Pet Tags Free Shipping since 1972
TagXpress, unique stainless steel pet tags in plastic, brass, aluminum too. Easy, secure ordering, VISA, MC and fast service. All orders include free shipping and a free safety reflector.
Color Match Your Pet's Tag!
Use our Design-Your-Own pet-tag to match your pet's color and collar, plus free worldwide delivery, great prices and fast friendly service. Secure ordering and tags guaranteed!
Pet Tags: Put a Real Dog Tag on Your Pet
These $3.49, lightweight, stainless steel dog tags have the text deeply embossed, which will not wear off like engraved pet tags. Set consists of one dog tag, one S-hook and one silencer.