Post and Beam Homes
Timber frame, post and beam homes. Download our planbook.

Habitat Post and Beam Homes/Additions
Habitat Post and Beam designs and manufactures quality post and beam (timber frame) homes, additions and commercial buildings. Habitat Post and Beam works with clients across the nation.

Post and Beam Barn Homes
Yankee Barn Homes designs and builds award-winning homes across the United States. Our manufactured homes offer soaring windows and the warmth and strength of timber frame.

Classic Custom Post and Beam Homes
Tour Classic Post and Beam's process for delivering custom, quality homes. Inspired by timberframe tradition. Classic homes offer advanced engineering and limitless design possibilities.

DW Design Timber Frame and Panel Homes
DW Design is an independent design office specializing in timber frame, post and beam, (SIP) structural panel and log homes.

Post and Beam Home Kits
Custom cedar home kits offered in post and beam, log, timber frame, conventional, or combinations/hybrids.

Post and Beam Supplier
Custom-cut posts and beams. Rough-sawn, hand-planed, or hand-peeled posts and beams in South Dakota's Black Hills. Ponderosa Pine or Black Hills Spruce.
If a Post N Beam home is a dream you have, my hope is that we might be of service to you to make your dream a reality.

Beam Post: Compare Prices
Find Bargains on Beam Post at thousands of trusted online stores. Get tax and shipping information, merchant ratings, and professional product reviews at

Enviro-Tech Post and Beam: Timber Frames
Affordable post and beam - timber frame homes, barns and light commercial buildings. Featuring authentic wood-pegged joinery. Design via the Internet. Shipped nationwide from tax-free NH.

Post and Beam
A quality, prefabricated post and beam packaged home building system, with client-designed spaces of floor-to-ceiling glass, vaulted ceilings and exposed beams. Shipped worldwide since 1968.

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Post Beam - Compare Prices at NexTag
Find and compare bargain prices for over one million home, garden products at NexTag. Find deals and low prices by comparing store ratings, user reviews, price history, and tax, shipping.

Post And Beam
Find Deals on post and beam and other Sports and Outdoors at DealTime. Choose from millions of deals. Save time and money every time you shop.

Post And Beam - Compare Prices
Compare Bargain Post And Beam Prices and Read Reviews at NexTag. Find Deals on Millions of Products by Comparing Store Ratings, User Reviews, Price History, and Tax and Shipping.

Post Beam - Cheap Prices at Calibex
Cheap Prices on Post Beam and Other Home and Garden Products at Calibex. Compare Prices, Brands, Sellers, Tax and Shipping, and More for Bargain Deals.

Post and Beam at
Find, compare and buy post and beams. Read product reviews and compare prices with tax and shipping from thousands of online stores.

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Beam Post - Bargain Prices
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