Residential Treatment for Drug Addicts
Exclusive residential treatment center in Malibu, California specializing in one-on-one treatment of any kind of drug abuse and alcoholism. Documented 84% success rate.
Residential Treatment - Hope by the Sea
Hope by the Sea: a quiet and professional facility in Laguna Niquel, CA for addiction treatment. We provide a safe and confidential environment while you achieve your recovery goals.
Residential Treatment
Bayside Marin Recovery Center. Exclusive, caring, safe, cutting edge, individualized treatment in a luxurious setting with all the amenities.
Residential Addiction Treatment Ctr
Mount Regis Center, located in Salem, Virginia, has been recognized as a national center of excellence for its quality residential alcohol and drug dependency treatment programs since 1947.
Residential Treatment Resource Catalog
Find information on residential treatment. View parent resource videos online or have them mailed to you for free. Receive parental and educational information on schools and programs.
Residential Treatment
Affordable drug and alcohol treatment centers. Get the answers that you are looking for.
Residential Treatment for Girls
Specialized residential treatment for girls ages 11-17 with depression, substance abuse, cutting, sexual activity, or eating disorders.
Learn about PROMETA
Find centers that use PROMETA, an innovative medical treatment.
The Treatment Inforamtion Center
We offer current, valuable information about detox, drug addiction, chemical dependency, alcoholism, rehab, treatment and recovery.
Residential Mental Health Treatment
Transitional and long-term care for adults with mental illness. Safe, dignified and caring environment for independence, self-expression, vocational and personal satisfaction. Connecticut.
At-Risk Teen Boys Residential Treatment
White River boarding school offers academics, 24 hour structure, accountability for negative actions, and an opportunity to go back to the basics. Located in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Residential Treatment Facilities
So. Cal. drug and alcoholism, 30-day, drug treatment ranch for males.
WIIT - a Residential Treatment Facility
A special program for female trauma survivors: PTSD, DID, dissociation, depression, anxiety and panic. WIIT, located in the Hollywood Pavilion in Florida, accepts insurance and Medicare.
Adult Residential Treatment Program
Treatment for those suffering with schizophrenia, bipolar and other serious mental illnesses. Full service and varying levels of care. Short to long term with attention to quality of life.
Stay Away from Residential "Treatment"
There is no "treatment" for chemically enhanced stupidity, but you can learn how to quit once-for-all-time. Achieve complete recovery by using AVRT??. The only place to get Rational Recovery??
Residential Treatment - At-Risk Teens
Ranch for boys ages 13 to 19 that help mentor and counsel troubled or at-risk teenagers. Located on a 500-acre campus in Wisconsin. Get more information.
Residential Treatment Center
Behavioral Health is a fully licensed accerdited residential rehab center for alcohol and drug abuse. We also treat depression.
Residential Treatment Center for Teens
Residential treatment center for troubled teen girls of 12-17 years old. Located in Utah.
Cri-Help Residential Treatment Center CA
Cri-Help's CA-based residential addiction program is divided into phases that lead to a gradual re-integration into the community. Structured residential environment; 24-hour supervision.
Residential Treatment for Troubled Teens
Redcliff Ascent's outdoor therapy program in Utah is a superior alternative to boot camps for troubled teens. Over a decade helping teenagers that have become unmanageable at home.