The Narrow Road: Suicide
A Web site where teens can find answers to tough questions, focusing on sex, drugs, suicide and running away.

Answers about Suicide
How common is suicide in America? How strong is the link between suicide and depression? What is the cost of depression to our economy? How effective is treatment for depression?

Suicide: a Quick Ticket to Hell
Don't do it. Suicide is self-murder and no murderer will go to Heaven. There is hope and help in Jesus. Don't delay - click now to find statistics and commentary about suicide.

Self-Coaching out of Suicide
Eliminate depression and prevent suicide using Dr. Joe Luciani's highly successful self-help program of Self-Coaching. Visit his free, interactive Web site and public forums.

Resisting Suicide?
Speak to someone who's been there, and has recovered. Read our stories.

Questia, Online Library - Suicide
Research and discover over 1,000,000 books, journals and articles covering over 6,000 research topics, continuously updated - a complete academic library. Free gift with membership.

Find Suicide DVDs - Over 60,000 DVD titles up to 40% off, including Suicide DVDs. We offer 35% off all new releases and titles coming soon. U.S. shipping only.

Suicide, Violence and Substance Abuse
MyDNA's schizophrenia channel, provides complete information about suicide and mental health.

Suicide Information
Read about suicide warning signs, risk factors and suicide prevention.

You Can Know You Are Going to Heaven
You can know that you are going to Heaven.