Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Proven 12 step based drug and alcohol treatment program. Southern California residential and outpatient programs available. Thousands helped over 18 years in business.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Summer House specializes in drug and alcohol detox with the use of narcotics to make you comfortable in a bed and breakfast home style setting. We help you through addiction.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center
Beat your addictions at Florida's Gulf Coast Recovery is a beachfront, comprehensive substance abuse treatment center that specializes in treating alcohol dependence and drug addiction.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Rehab Center
Hope by the Sea: a quiet and professional facility in Laguna Niquel, CA for addiction treatment. We provide a safe and confidential environment while you achieve your recovery goals.
Capstone: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Center
Capstone Treatment Center is a residential treatment center for adolescent substance abuse. Capstone Christian treatment model uses proven innovative therapies to stop chemical dependency.
Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center
The future of recovery is here today At A Better Tomorrow. Effective alcohol treatment. Located in southern California.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Addiction Information Center is providing complete and current information about rehabs, detox, treatment, alcoholism, drug abuse, centers addiction and other related topics.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse - Rehab Help
We will help you find drug rehab centers in your state.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Consumer Research Guide looks at 10 critical factors to consider when making a substance abuse treatment choice.
Drug And Alcohol Abuse in Florida
Find the right location for a tranquil recovery in sunny Florida. The Orchid Recovery Center offers women a place to conquer past demons and heal the mind and body for life yet to come.
Alcohol and Drug Resource Center
Offers current information on alcohol and substance abuse. Detoxification, rehabilitation, treatment centers, family interventions and more. Toll-free assistance available 24 hours a day.
Drug And Alcohol Abuse - Ontario, Canada
Laser technology health remedies. Alpha Laser Therapy offers new techniques of using lasers to correct physical and mental problems like addiction. Visit us in Windsor, Ontario.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Helpful information and links concerning drug rehab.
Hope Works Christian Counseling
We offer a number of counseling services for alcohol abuse, psychological problems, marriage and other relationships. Find local and nationwide, free telephone hotlines. Based in TX.
Teen Drug Abuse Residential Treatment
Discovery Academy: Residential treatment boarding school in UT specializing in theraputic treatment and education for troubled teens. Treats drug abuse, ADD, ADHD, depression, defiance, etc.
Discovery Ranch Residential Treatment
RTC for teens and youth with anorexia, bulimia, mood disorders, post traumatic stress, drug abuse, dual diagnosis, depression, self esteem, defiant disorder, ADHD and other similar problems.
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Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Free information, resources and links to drug and alcohol abuse treatment centers, drug abuse and alcohol rehab options and centers.
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