Renaissance - Substance Abuse Counseling
Renaissance Malibu offers hope and healing in a serene alcohol and drug recovery environment with proven individualized treatment. We are a residential healing center located in California.
Holistic Substance Abuse Program
Substance abuse recovery program that works. Chronic relapse specialists. We are recovering addicts with over 17 years of experience in successfully treating addiction.
Substance Abuse Counseling
Do you love helping troubled teens? Immediate entry level openings at Eckerd outdoor programs in FL, TN, NC. Year round position, free room or board, competitive salary and benefits.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center
Gulf Coast Recovery is a one-of-a-kind comprehensive substance abuse treatment center that specializes in treating alcohol dependence and drug addiction. Located in a beachfront atmosphere.
Substance Abuse Counseling Center
Cirque Lodge, Sundance Utah offers exclusive and effective drug and alcohol treatment. Let the mountains and our cognitive and experiential therapies provide you healing and hope. Call now.
The Treatment Information Center
Treatment Information Center offers facts about addiction, alcohol, programs, substance abuse, detox, rehab, drug abuse, family issues, counseling and more.
Find Counseling Career Education
Find courses and training programs for a career as a Substance Abuse Counselor. Start working towards a new career today by requesting information from University of Phoenix Online.
Choosing Substance Abuse Counseling
Consumer Research Guide looks at ten critical factors to consider when making a substance abuse treatment choice.
Substance Abuse Counseling Items
Find exactly what you want today.
Teen Substance Abuse Program
Discovery Academy: Residential treatment boarding school in UT specializing in theraputic treatment and education for troubled teens. Treats drug abuse, ADD, ADHD, depression, defiance, etc.