Personal Training Certifications
Real education real certification. As a leading choice of colleges nationwide, W. I. T. S. can put you in one of the hottest jobs in the world.

Fitness Trainer Education/Certification
Accredited and legally defensible personal trainer certification. Member benefits include job placement assistance, insurance and discounts.

Fitness Certification Programs
AFPA Personal Trainer and Fitness Certification programs are designed to develop certified professionals. Our programs meet the set standards and requirements of the fitness industry.

Personal Fitness Training Certification
NESTA offers certifications in personal training and more than 200 other personal training courses. Business development, equipment and advice. Free catalog and membership.

Join the Movement - Get ACE-Certified
American Council on Exercise (ACE) Gold standard in fitness certification. Home study courses available. Exams held nationwide. Join the movement to get ACE-certified. Start today.

Personal Fitness Certification Program
Become a personal trainer in just 6 months. With 16 locations in 12 states, our comprehensive personal fitness certification program is the first step towards a rewarding, successful career.

Earn your Fitness Certification
Search, find, and receive free information about career schools offering degrees and programs in fitness. Request info today.

Personal Trainer Certification - $49.99
Become a Certified Fitness Trainer online through the ExpertRating Personal Trainer Certification Program for $49.99 only (includes courseware and testing fee).

Fitness Certification Program Directory
Comprehensive directory of fitness instructor certification schools throughout the U.S. and Canada. Includes full school profiles.

Fitness Instructor Certification
Build a strong career. At Professional Fitness Institute Las Vegas you can train to become a certified personal trainer. Six-month programs. Get info now.

ISSA Fitness Certification
Download your free ISSA fitness certification careers in fitness report. Get certified through

Pro-Fit Worldwide
Become a certified personal trainer. Online courses. Accredited programs.

Personal Training Certifications
Earn 43% more than other professionals in the fitness industry. Nationally accredited by the NCCA.

Fitness Certification
Looking for a strong career? Train for your personal trainer certification at Professional Fitness Institute - Las Vegas in only 6 months. Request class info today.

Fitness Certification
Interested in earning your fitness and nutrition degree? Search for courses offered 100% online from Penn Foster. Request free information - partner site.

Find Fitness Schools near you
Receive free information about fitness degrees and programs.

Study Fitness and Nutrition Online
Earn your fitness and nutrition certificate 100% online at Penn Foster Career School, formally Thomson Education Direct. Request a free, no-risk info pack today.

Fitness and Nutrition Course Online
Certifications. Compare home study and online schools. Get free catalogs through our links to nationally accredited schools.

Fitness Certification
Safe for all ages and levels of fitness, Centrobix exercises use your own body weight, with gravity, to work all your major muscle groups and gently stretch all your joints. Order now.

Fitness Certification
Free information on how be a nutritionist and/or fitness trainer with an online certificate. Study at home, in your spare time. You can do it, we can help.